Open-Source vibes at!

Last week I was at, the Developer Experience Conference by GitHub co-founder Scott Chacon 🤯, together with my colleague Alexander Block. 🤯. 

It was super inspiring to see how diverse and important open-source software is and the opportunities it offers us. I was particularly impressed to see how developers around the world are working together to create innovative solutions that benefit everyone. 💡 

In addition to exciting talks, I was also able to support Alexander at his booth at the Open Source Fair, where he presented his tool kluctl. 💻 

kluctl is a brilliant tool that simplifies the management of clusters with or without GitOps across multiple environments. 🤯 With templating, Helm charts, and Kustomize, DevOps processes are optimized up to production. 🚀 

Try it out for yourself! ➡️ 

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